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Thursday, November 16, 2017

The good oil on Pure Bliss Essential Oils by Young Living

I've noticed an increase of essential oil "selfies" on my news feed for a few months now and since I live by the adage "live curious", I kept track of the few who maintained using it but being a pragmatic person that I am, I didn't put too much thinking into buying a set.

My curiosity piqued when I noticed a friend using an essential oil to cure her headache. Another one said that she can't go to sleep without her oils..and another one posted that a specific essential oil scent puts her in a better mood. 

I am no fan of coincidence and it's highly unlikely that these people met in once place and just decided to promote essential oils.  I have a congenital kidney disorder that makes me more prone to kidney-related diseases compared to an average person so I am overly conscious on my intake most especially on medicines. 

Essential oils can be inhaled or be lathered on skin so it basically renders my kidney harmless. I am imagining a side-effect free world where my headache or migraines can be alleviated by just inhaling an essential oil without worrying the effect it would have on my kidney..and the possibilities are endless. 

I would like to thank Dr. Marissa Yoon for inviting me last month in their Pure Bliss Essential Oils workshop at 32 Sanson by Rockwell. Pure Bliss Essential Oils (PBEO), a group of young wellness advocates, in partnership with 32 Sanson by Rockwell, is set to introduce a wide range of blends of beyond or- ganic essential oils, in an effort to promote a healthy and holistic lifestyle to the local community. 

These premium-caliber and carefully-curated oils have been thoughtfully developed for over 20 years by Young Living, a world leader in essential oils. Under the helm of Dr. Marissa Yoon, PBEO aims to make the vision of sharing the “life- changing benefits of essential oils to every home, family, and lifestyle” a reality for Cebuanos, through pocket events, pop-up displays, workshops and DIY classes. The team, having experienced the benefits of the products first hand, look forward to en- couraging others to do the same, in the pursuit of a more balanced life and overall well-being. 


With a range of over 300 scents, there is an essential oil blend suited to almost every personal purpose and need. 
A number of these blends and their benefits include:
  • Lavender – promotes restful sleep, relaxes and calms the mind; contains analgesic, anti-depressant, anti-histamine, and anti-inflammatory properties 
  • Frankincense – this oil may help with immune system, aging, allergies, bites; also helps with better disposition 
  • Lemon – invigorating and refreshing blend that aids in air purification; it is also an antioxidant, has ant-viral properties, and helps soothe colds 
  • Thieves – contains highly anti-viral and antiseptic properties 
  • Stress Away – helps one overcome exhaustion and depression; also elevates mood 
These essential oils may be used individually or fused with other oils in order to create the desired effect or benefit. A handful of other mixes can create invigorating, calming, and soothing effects, as well as improve focus, mood, and concentration. There are three main ways to use these blends. 

One can either: 

  1. Diffuse 
  2. Apply topically (on the skin); or 
  3. Ingest (as is the case with Young Living’s Vitality Line 
PBEO believes that the way to wellness is easily achievable with the constant use of nature-based products and healthy habits, which the team aims to continuously promote. With the support of local establishments and health-oriented individuals, the team looks forward to establishing collective efforts in upholding and promoting a balanced lifestyle. 

For further inquiries on these beyond organic blends, interested individuals may contact the Pure Bliss Essential Oils team through: 

  • Facebook: @pureblissessentialoils 
  • Mobile: 0921.046.9593

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