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Tuesday, October 31, 2017

The whole nine yards

The Whole Nine Yards: 

Everything. All of it.

I haven't updated this blog for almost a year and I have a legit excuse for it this time. Motherhood happened and the spare time I have I spend it sleeping, socializing offline and tying up loose ends.

Fact is, motherhood has taken up so much of my time that B and I decided that I can't work and be a mother at the same time. We've been asking for this blessing for a couple of years and now that it has finally arrived, I am willing to give up my 10 years experience in real-estate in exchange for being a newbie mother. It's my first time to admit that I am scared because it's an unfamiliar territory and a small creature will be controlling my waking hours from now on but this road is well-travelled already and I have a support system which is only a call or text away. 

For now, I'd like to post a throw back picture before Nate was born. This was taken during one of the many field works I usually do and I get very shy when someone takes a picture of me at public places..and here I am hoping that I could make some semblance of a #ootd entry 

Also, have you noticed that I like dressing up like a grandma? Must be my age. Haha