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Sunday, April 10, 2016

Use Your Loaf

Use Your Loaf: 
Use your head. Think smart.

..and I'm back and trying to catch up on my back logs. The past few days have been physically draining and demotivating since I got admitted for 4 days. Now that I am out of my prescribed medicines, I don't feel so disoriented anymore. Today's choice of topic would be about abandonment. 

How high is your tolerance for pain? When is the right time to call it quits? 
A lot of people in their 20s who have stable jobs, stable income and a routine all planned out for them stay in a long-term relationship though most of the time it turns out to be toxic. In a black and gray spectrum and in a 3rd person's POV, we ask, why would they want to do that to themselves? Do they even know that they're wasting their youth and better opportunities because they chose to tie themselves down to something that will probably break them after it's over?

Most probably not. For the most of us, we choose to be silent rather than earn the ire of the ones we know who seem to be in this situation including me. I'd rather see my friend hurt and learn from a broken relationship than spare her the heartache and leave her forever wondering if she made a right decision of following my advice. 

Most of the time, we talk about the ones who left. You might be the one who was strong enough to leave, and there's no judgment here. The ones who are usually left are the ones that are rarely talked about. We never really talked about all the questions that were never asked, all those late night over-thinking of what went wrong over a bottle of Red Horse too many. We've seen open-letters online about how that someone will be fine even after all that's said and done but what the person who left might not know is that in his leaving, he changed her. 

For the better.

Things will never be the same for that person but isn't that a good thing? She will grow, she will move on and learn to live life without you and she will finally be free. Know that the point of no return has come and you won't have the power to hurt that person again. If you care for that person, don't come back so that she can learn how to care for herself more 

 Floral Top: Forever 21|Midi Skirt: Brandless;Thrifted|Belt: H&M|Strappy Block Heels: Zalora|Watch: Esprit

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