Wine and Dine:
When somebody is treated to an expensive meal.
Who's afraid of commitment?
Before Bryan era, I was. I was very careless with how I handled people because I can't predict the outcome and nothing irks me more than NOT knowing.
Being scared is normal, being reckless isn't
Being scared is normal because you are being vulnerable and you are about to give an intangible part of yourself that has value without knowing how the receiver will accept it. But has anyone ever thought of being committed to oneself? Human connection is the norm and what we usually crave for but if you find peace without craving another person's companionship then you win at life. You win at life because your are not codependent upon another person
If you haven't reached that kind of independence, then don't be the person who's into #relationshipgoals and #squadgoals. Invest on yourself, on tangible assets and on your health. Practice self-awareness and continue to increase the value of what's in your bank. Love will come in the right time but as of the moment, it's time to build your greatest asset; YOU.
I wore this corporate attire on one of the events that I spearhead on our company. I supervise sales operations and broker management relationship so I always try my best to put my best foot forward. The white scarf you see is actually attached to the white silk polo and upon looking at this picture, I just realized that the knot I did at the neckline was so small that the length of the whole tie is too long. My intention was to make my short torso look long but the tie was just inappropriately long.
White silk polo: Calvin Klein|Gray Slacks: G2000|Black pumps: F&F|Braided belt:H&M|Pearls: H&M
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