Variety Is The Spice Of Life:
The more experiences you try the more exciting life can be.
I am taking a break from posting lady-like ootds. If you get to know me better, you'll know that I am really a 22 year old hormonal boy. Mostly I wear dresses just so my legs can breathe and my attention span is too short so I easily get distracted when I try to think of what looks compliment a chosen top
We celebrated the International Women's Day last March 8 and this year's theme was Pledge for Parity. This year's theme is a call for a gender-balanced leadership BUT to be fair, we have more female department heads where I am working (a real-estate company).
This entry will not talk about feminism, the unfair regulations against women in general and the likes. Reason for which is simply because I haven't made any thorough research on the matter and as with all things posted in the internet, someone might stumble upon this entry and use it as a legit reference.
However, I'd like to write about what's stopping you from doing the things you want to do just because of your gender
Let's discount those biological causes. Truth be told, I tried doing the number 3 just so I can: 1. save time and 2. to actually test if it's possible but based from my experiment, it's better if us women do it the traditional way.
Growing up as an only child, I knew my father wanted to have a son. For every time I made an achievement of some kind, he always says "that's my son". There was even this point in my adolescent years that he forced me to have a boy-cut (not even a pixie cut!) In all honesty, it didn't matter that he treated me like a boy. More so, it made me realize that just because I am of the softer side (physically speaking) doesn't mean I am helpless. My gender was just a nonsense semantics which never hindered my quest to say "been there, done that". SO, yes, growing up, I was into Sega Super Sonic, Duke Nukem's time to kill, scooters, skimming, not being scared of scarring my legs, softball, DotA, countless Adult Rated PC games, poker and probably other things that makes an average person question my sexual preferences.
I never really thought of them as manly hobbies but things that I am just interested to explore. I never doubted that someday the husband of my dreams will find me (DID) and though I was mistaken for a lesbian one too many, I don't really mind. I always say I can't be fit into a box mainly because I grew up not having one and I will forever be indebted to my late father because of that.
So yes, I can be lady-like but see these callouses on my knuckles? It's because I box 3-5 times a week. My calves are toned like a man's and it's because I can confidently strut in a four-inch heels. I can do your make-up and I can also go for an all-night discussion about houses, why Left4Dead is underrated and the unfinished story of TLOU. I threw away my cleats because my ankles have been injured by football many times but I can talk to you about Unilad, memes, and life choices as we walk from Point A to Point B. I am clueless around ovens but I can make a decent meal from whatever I can find in our fridge. I keep the husband entertained by my observations which I highly analyze but I can openly argue about him about splitting of payables, dashboard confessionals and future travel plans without involving my emotions about it.
To all the women out there, of course it's never too late. Get out of the molding tray you've been trapped into, throw away those cookie sheets and be free.
The air is fresher once you've fully embedded that endless opportunities and new things are out there for your taking even though there's no extra skin and muscle between your legs (ick).
Surely your momma didn't endure hours of labor just so you'll be a clone of what you see on TV?
Black Cavalry Twill Jacket: Mystery Girl|Gray Cotton Shirt: Uniqlo|Black Cotton Leggings: GAP| Shoes: Nike Women's Revolution 2
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