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Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Zero Tolerance

Zero Tolerance

No crime or law breaking big or small will be overlooked.

Hello December!

It's that time of the year when it's actually socially acceptable that you've gained weight. Holidays and different events make it extra difficult to say no to food. Some have even practiced the art of prying that chunky leg off that lechon in a most delectable way. Don't worry, I am not going to rain on your parade but I've always rained on mine most especially on binge eating. This month, I will practice zero tolerance when it comes to gorging myself with prohibited food on my list. I'd like to think that no one is more scared than I am when it comes to gaining weight. This time last year I was at 136 lbs., I was happy with my life but wasn't really doing well with my social skills since I get pissed and upset every time some one comments that I've gained weight. Mind you, for people who have PCOS, it's extra hard to lose weight and not everyone understands that. But I lost 10 lbs. on a span of 10 months, it is actually slow, but I am not in a hurry since I have no plans in gaining those unwanted weight except if I get pregnant.  

This post is not meant to put shame on people who have problems losing weight because this post is about meBodyshamers are one of the shallowest kind of people and to be honest, I was once too but I've tried being on the receiving end of this knife and it can be traumatizing to your well-being. I had two choices, it's either I would eternally feel bad with how I look like or I will have to do something about it. We are all too familiar with the adage that goes along the lines of "what matters most is that you are kind on the inside" or the like, but hey, if you can think it would make you feel better if you get more fit, then go for it. I am the kind who wants to try out new things but gets bored easily so I tried mixing different kinds of exercises. I wasn't able to take a formal class in swimming (PE13 doesn't count because our swimming instructor demonstrated the moves OUTSIDE THE POOL PREMISES) so I signed up at YMCA. We had a 60-minute session thrice a week for a month and I slowly got hooked.

 In fact, I continued with this work-out even after my classes. I am in continuous pursuit of a work-out that would bring me peace but eventually, time constraints related to work and personal life hindered me to give ample time to swim. I got back on my mat a week ago to sweat some issues in my life I need to figure out and Yoga never fails. Next week, some friends from work and I will try boxing for the first time and I am hyped already; my orange hand-wraps are so adorable (and need to be used ASAP because the husband is having ideas of using it as his yoga straps) I have different fitness buddies on these different sets of exercise and they have been a huge help. Just make sure you find a partner who is also conscious of what s/he eats and badly wants to be fit as much as you do

                Maroon Dress: Unlabeled|Peach Flats: Cotton On|Watch: Casio|Scarf: Burberry

As mentioned in my previous post, I've been shamelessly testing the boundaries of our work clothes, that and this unpredictable weather. We go to work while it's drizzling and only to find out by lunch that it's already 30 degrees outside. 

So what's a girl gotta do?

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